Central Asia After Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Central Asia After Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Central Asia After Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

On November 13 and 14, the NCAFP hosted a Roundtable at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. on "Central Asia/Caspian Sea Basin Region After the Withdrawal of U.S. and NATO Troops from Afghanistan." The primary aim of the Roundtable was to assess the situation in the region after the end of the American and NATO military presence on the ground, i.e., the withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan  and the folding of transit supply routes to and from the region, including bases located in the countries neighboring Afghanistan.  This, together with the generalized fatigue in the United States from long and costly military involvements in Afghanistan and Iraq is bound to affect the degree of American interest in next-door Central Asia, leaving more room for Russian and Chinese activities, and to reduce the amount of support the states of the region can count upon in order to maintain an optimum degree of independence from their powerful neighbors.

A full copy of the report with policy recommendations is available here.


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